Principle # 14

It is not what
happens to you that
determines how
far you go in life;
it is what you
do with what
happens to you.

One of the most remarkable men I've ever known is Charlie Wedemeyer. Charlie coached the Los Gatos high-school football team to the only state championship they've ever won. I remember the day I attended a practice session with Charlie and his team. He and I were carrying on an extended conversation from the sidelines when periodically an assistant coach would run up and ask questions. Without hesitation, Charlie, who had been watching intently during our entire conversation, would spell out the specifics he should follow.

The amazing thing is that the only parts of his body he can move are his eyes and mouth. Charlie Wedemeyer suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease. His wife, Lucy, is his interpreter. She reads his lips and effectively delivers the message.

Charlie has the most remarkable attitude and the greatest sense of humor I believe I have ever seen. Though travel arrangements are difficult, he regularly speaks to people in schools, business, prisons, and churches. He has something to say, and Lucy verbalized it to the audience. He might be the only speaker in America who can't speak. Needless to say, his life and wife communicate a powerful message of hope, love, and a "never-give-up" spirit. They both have a passion to make a difference.

but despite all this,
overwhelming victory is
ours through Christ who
loved us enough to die
for us.

Romans 8:37 TLB


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